Sarinas Legal
Evan Sarinas
Evan Sarinas has in excess of 30 years experience in litigation, commercial and property law. His entrepreneurial advice has assisted many business to flourish, backed by a sound knowledge of legal principles and case research. Evan conducts complex litigation across the full range of business, corporate and property disputes as well as negotiating complex transactional agreements including:
Resumption of land compensation
Easement and access rights agreements
Self managed super funds
Business sale and acquisition
Corporate and commercial
Mining impact
Electricity transmission line
Coal seam gas affections
Medical malpractice
Personal injuries
Property development
Joint venture agreements
Evan delivers quick responses to legal issues whether by way of litigated or commercial outcomes.
Career highlights/achievements include:
$86 million banking and finance/managed investment scheme litigation claim;
$18 million complex multiple plaintiff litigation;
Numerous unique commercial litigation actions including, Workplace Health and Safety, Queensland Racing Appeals, Costs, and claims in equity;
Numerous complex Property Development Agreements;
$30 million acquisition of ocean terminal and large residential supporting development;
$10 million acquisition agreements of large property interest including development obligations;
$10 million complex commercial company exit strategy involving Multiple share sale, Property transfer, Superannuation rollover and Investment fund transfer;
Numerous successful litigation campaigns against public companies, large corporations, governments, insurance companies in circumstances where other lawyers have refused to act;
Multimillion dollar complex easement litigation and negotiated settlement;
Complex construction litigation;
Multi-party Agribusiness litigation involving competing security and ownership issues;
$4 million negligence and breach of contract claim against a major bank;
Various successful and complex class actions;
Land Act 1994 conversions of State land to Freehold;
Stakeholder/Ownership interests in various business industries including Entertainment and Hospitality, Childcare/Early Learning and SME’s.
Advice and Representation sought by Industry Professionals and Organisations
Evan’s litigation expertise is sought by many in respect of multimillion dollar commercial disputes, damages claims, contractual disputes and actions in negligence.
Industry professionals who seek Evans representation include:
Property Industry Professionals
Graziers and Agribusiness
Company Directors
Evan is often invited to attend Board Meetings and Management Meetings for various companies to assist in the direction and decision making processes of those businesses.
His personal passion is to take this law firm in Townsville to the next level through effective practical business know how, ideas, targeting markets and creating the appropriate legal structure by which the business can progress.
Pro bono and Community Involvement
Community involvement and voluntary assistance include:
Contributor to numerous Media and Newspaper Publications
Pro-bono (free) advice given to numerous sporting and community organizations
Licensed Senior Football Coach from Football Federal of Australia
Seminar presentations to industry groups on various business issues and practices
Bachelor of Laws
Lawyer, High Court of Australia
Lawyer, Supreme Court of Queensland
Licensed Senior Soccer Coach
Contact Us
Family Law, Injury Law, Business, Disputes, Litigation, Migration, Leases and Franchise Law, Inheritance issues and disputes, Property and Conveyancing