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Inside Out NT

Hi my name is Belinda and I am a Nutrient Therapy Practitioner based in Mackay Queensland. I practice Functional Nutrition and have a passion for getting to the bottom of your health concerns. With a Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science, I have worked as a Medical Scientist for 15 years in Pathology and since becoming a mother to 2 beautiful children my passion shifted to nutrition. I realised the food we put into our bodies affects how the body functions and what is healthy for one person is not necessarily good for another. This curiosity of people’s Bio-Individuality led me to complete studies with the Nutritional Therapy Association of America being a part of the inaugural Brisbane 2015 Class. After being in practice for almost a year I realised there was something missing – you can’t address the body without including the mind. So I went on to complete certification as a Theta Healing Practitioner, helping my clients to recognise limiting beliefs and deeply held blocks that sabotage their true potential to reach their goals. Happiness and Health should be a natural state and at Inside Out Nutritional Therapy this is achieved from the inside out.

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This call is obligation free and is our chance to have a chat about what concerns you have, what goals you would like to achieve with your wellness and to see if my skill set will be a good fit for you. From here if we decide to work with each other we will arrange your Initial Consultation, paperwork and what package will suit your particular health journey.


During this consultation we will dig a little deeper into your health concerns. Prior to this appointment you will have completed a comprehensive health history questionnaire, a 3 day food journal and an online Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ). With this information we can pinpoint potential dysfunction and nutritional deficicencies contributing to how you are feeling, your signs and symptoms. The food journal is used to assess macronutrient ratios, blood sugar regulation, potential food sensitivities etc. Then we come up with a plan to move forward that takes into consideration where you are at and what you need to do in order to achieve your wellness goals.


This is the exciting part! Here I palpate points on the body which correspond to organs and glands. If there is tenderness at these points then there is dysfunction. We then use the LNT (Lingual Neural Testing) Process and Muscle Testing Techniques to see which nutrients will ease that tenderness and provide your body with support. This process also assists me to assess where we need to start with the healing journey of the individual.


These sessions are designed to assist other Practitioners with difficult or complicated cases. I will review client paperwork (with permission from your clients) including interpreting any test results to assist you in understanding physiological processes that are occurring, dysfunction and how to go about setting your client up for success. Practitioner Support sessions are collaborative and we work together for the benefit of the client.


ER Sessions are designed to facilitate further healing for clients open to this. For wholistic healing we must address the Mind-Body Connection. Emotions and Beliefs take up energy and space within us so when we are feeling overwhelmed, releasing and changing these can free up space for more healing to take place. Addressing this component of your health can help you to reach your wellness goals on multiple levels.


Please enquire.